Taradale Community Forum
The Taradale Community Forum is a working group comprised of local residents and representatives from the various community groups in Taradale. The Forum is an opportunity for local groups and individuals to share their activities and ideas with each other and to coordinate projects for the town. In 2018 the Community Forum partnered with Council to update the Walking Tracks signboard in the Mineral Springs Reserve and produce a guide which can be found on the Taradale by Track and Trail page of this website.
The Taradale Community Forum manages the Taradale Talk newsletter and the Taradale Community website.
Taradale Community Forum meetings are open to all residents who are encouraged to attend and contribute their ideas, suggestions and vision for the advancement of our town. Meetings are held quarterly in the primary school on the second Monday of August, November, February and May at 7.30 pm, and are advertised in the Taradale Talk and on the community noticeboard.
For further information please contact Colleen Jones, Secretary, on 0403 744 045.